Not a great end to 2006.
A neighbour emailed me this photo an hour ago and I've been chasing round ever since trying to find someone who says they can deal with abandoned cars. The police were quick to say it was a council issue, so I rang North Shropshire District Council at Wem and spoke to a man called Ian Stirton. He maintained that if the car was in the brook then it was a
Welsh Water problem and they should be dealing with it. He gave me a number at DEFRA which I rang, but I only got an answering machine. Then I called Tesco's to see if they'd reported it, and they had (which can only help).
So I'm waiting for Mr Stirton at NSDC to get back to me and give me his assessment on whether the car is far enough out of the water to warrant the council removing it, or possibly for someone at DEFRA to ring - though I don't hold out much hope there, given the holidays. Is it any wonder the public get cheesed off when they're passed from pillar to post like this?
I thought the fifteen shopping trolleys in the brook were bad enough, but at least there's no chance of them leaking petrol.
And while I'm here, what kind of dick-brains call shoving a car down a bank a top evening's entertainment? I mean, sad or what?