Friday 31 May 2024

Population Growing in Field Off Edgeley Road - Crucial in the Light of Damage Elsewhere


this youngster demonstrating starry paws


This Edgeley Road colony is really important and healthy, probably our strongest water vole population in Whitchurch. So many of our water voles are under threat here: we used to have a thriving meta-population - were nationally famous for it - but now the building work all across the town has impacted on so many colonies I really worry for the future. The colony who live in the ditch near Tilstock Road are probably gone: the developer has fenced everything off so the public can't get in and check, but the damage looks pretty bad from the public footpath. There's been none of the usual activity at White Lion Meadow Car Park (Tesco car park) because of the swimming baths being constructed next door. I don't know if the voles will come back next year. And I suspect the development at Black Park Road will have damaged this important wildlife corridor, though I need to go and check.

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