Tuesday 2 October 2012

Activity - if you look for it

We still have at least two hedgehogs coming into the garden, one on the early shift and one on the late. Early hog is smaller, but still a decent-sized adult.

Meanwhile a quick peep at the back of Saddler's Walk (Mossfields) shows the ditch to be full and healthy - rainy summers benefit this colony as the site easily dries out. This group of voles is notable for the number of feeding stations it always produces, always a lot more than other sites I survey. Though with the colder weather most water voles switch their diet to more calorific tubers and roots, these ones are still making piles of chopped sweet rush well into October. In the bottom photo, the vole has bent the blade down, folded it in half and made the usual diagonal cut, which then opened to make a point (would have been a V if the cut had been made from the other side).

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