Friday 21 April 2017


 Long tailed tit

 Ruby tiger moth

 Adder skin?

These voles above are the two that were fighting in the previous video. The one with the wound on its neck ran off into the field, away from the water. The other vole sat and groomed, and then rubbed its chin up and down the muddy twig in the second-to-last picture. I thought their musk glands were on their flanks, like hamsters', but perhaps there's another located round the neck. Or maybe it was just itchy! I don't know if the first vole will come back now, or if it will have to find another territory.

I like this White Lion Meadow photo as it shows a water vole in the process of creating a feeding station. Piles of chopped up leaves are often a good indicator that water voles are about, though if the scale's very small, it can be the work of field voles.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen a linnet yet, often see them on the fence at work first thing in the morning
