Wednesday 20 April 2016


The half-blind vole at White Lion Meadow

Victorious after a scrap at the timber yard.

Water vole-feeding on the bank at White Lion Meadow

A poor photo, but it does show two fighting voles. They're probably two females trying to stake out territory.

The serious problem for water voles at Edward German Drive. If you're a responsible owner, please, please fit your cat with a flashing-light collar, and keep them in at night. It's safer and kinder for the cat, too.


  1. I wish next door would bell their cat, it goes after the nesting birds in my parents' garden

  2. It breaks my heart the damage cats do. And irresponsible owners who say, 'It's just what they do, I can't stop it.' Yes, you can!

  3. If a dog came into their garden and ripped great lumps out of their cat, would they be shrugging and saying, 'That's only what dogs do, no one can help it'?

  4. We had fighting here, today...
    quite an arguement until a Moorhen broke them up...
    there were three at one point...
    missed the fight, it was too brief!!
    I was just reaching blindly toward the kitchen table...
    whilst trying to watch the commotion.
    Got my hand on the camera just as the Moorhen intervened!!
    Now have evidence of a probable three sites on our millstream...
    I'll be blogging about them once I find some time!!
    Interestingly, we had a Beech Marten [Fouine] visit a latrine point I found...
    and set a camera trap up at...
    far more dangerous to our watervoles than a cat.
    But we haven't had any night captures of our voles...just rats, the Fouine and a Musk Rat... all our sightings and trap "captures" have been in the daytime!!

  5. I look forward to seeing the footage!
