Tuesday 25 August 2015

Postcard from the North Yorkshire Coast

 Grey seals

 A toad (and the ferrule of my husband's walking stick).

 Painted Lady


 An odd threesome of Southern Hawkers


If anyone can ID the dragonfly/darter/chaser in the fourth picture down, feel free!


  1. Oh, those seals are lovely! I think late summer (and autumn) is a good time for them, lucky you!

    Saw a fabulous huge dragonfly here yesterday, like a mini-helicopter, and very iridescent 'jewel' colours/turquoise and gold - I've not managed to ID it yet - but I wonder if the one you've asked about here is a "Common Darter"? Markings do seem to vary with sex and age though, and I'm no expert....

    Also saw a Green Woodpecker feeding on the grass, and managed to creep up quite close - no camera with me though.. Still a total absence of water voles, none for over 6 weeks now.. :(

  2. That's disappointing about the voles. I've not been able to get down for a fortnight, so I'm going to check it out now.

    Thanks for the dragonfly ID. Yours might be a Southern Hawker? I'm v jealous of your green woodpecker sighting.

  3. Kate, I think your picture of the three Hawkers is a wonderful spot...
    must be a shortage of females in Nth Yorks...
    possible caption...
    "Hoi, I saw her first!"....
    "My turn next?"....

    Love the seals!
