Sunday 4 April 2010

First Sighting at White Lion Meadow

I was looking over the bridge at what I was sure were water vole prints, when this vole appeared from the direction of the timber yard. Despite the deficiencies with focussing, the photos do show up the essential features of a vole: its general roundness, the blunt nose, the thick chocolate-brown fur, the small ears and star-shaped feet, the startlingly orange teeth, and the dark, fur-covered tail.


  1. I don't know the state of play in the stretch by the timber yard, though. The trouble with that section is that it's not very accessible.

  2. Great pictures - it's been somewhat disappointing for me. So it's good that you've got some good sightings.

  3. You had your first sighting before me, though. And we've all the spring and summer and autumn ahead; I bet you snap loads!
