Saturday 27 March 2010

First Sighting of 2010!

Feeding station is in the very centre of the picture - the cut green shoots lying on the mud.

Another latrine in the field near my house.

The vole's the dark blurry shape in the middle of the picture.
Only a fleeting glance and a rubbish photograph, but a fine, fat, unusually dark water vole in a field near my house. Even out of focus you can see the distinctive small ears, very different from a rat or mouse.
I revisited the bridge near Homebase hoping for another sighting, and spotted what looked like a very fresh feeding station, so I think I'd probably just missed a vole there.
Driving through Quoisley on Thursday night I saw a mink run across the road. This could be very bad news for our Whitchurch voles, so we all need to keep our eyes peeled.


  1. Yeah to your first water vole of the year - hopefully the first of many.

  2. Good to hear the voles are back. P*** off, Mink!

  3. Hurrah for the vole!
