Sunday, 13 December 2009

Some Winter Activity

In my experience it's very unusual to find many water vole signs over the winter months, but here are some I came across on a walk this afternoon. Plenty of field vole presence, too.


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  2. Good news and well spotted. It's an incentive for me to put my wellies on at the weekend and so what I can find.

  3. Yeah, do put your wellies on. I went in just ankle boots, and came back muddy to the knees. Doh!

  4. nice to see they're still active despite the approach of Winter.

  5. Hey Kate! I am back blogging and visiting my patch after some time away. Our 5th child was born in October so had other things to worry about. Hope you are well (as are your Water Voles!) Steve

  6. Aw, Steve, congratulations! And really nice to hear you're all well. I'll be checking your blog soon - I did miss it!
