Tuesday 14 April 2009

Feeding herself up

If this is the nesting female I've been watching over the last couple of days, then she'll need to be fattening herself up for the period she has to spend underground looking after her babies (each litter averages six in number; young leave at about three weeks).
It's possible that Spot is still around and he's the father - there must be a male about somewhere!


  1. We'll look out for the young ones. I've forgotten all the stuff about dominant and recessive genes but hopefully there’ll be at least one mini-spot amongst them.

  2. That would be sweet! But didn't we find out that white patches can be caused by nutritional deficiencies as well as by genes? Spot's, er, spot could have been a result of either, perhaps?

  3. Yes, I think injuries can also cause the hair to whiten when it grows again.

  4. Oh yes, like in 'Black Beauty'!
