Monday 2 June 2008

New Vole Area

Albert from the Whitchurch Water Vole group has mentioned the fields near Saddlers Walk before, but I've never properly investigated. Went for a walk just now and found this big feeding station in the reeds, even though the water itself isn't very deep. There was lots of field vole feeding too, and the trees were full of goldfinches. Anyone put a name to this caterpillar?


  1. Re your caterpillar. I could say "fred" but that would be childish... could be a peacock or small tortoiseshell... just a thought. Depends how big it was. Jane

  2. I've looked in the WAB gallery and I reckon it's a peacock, Jane. The long grass was heaving with bugs. Really great to see a farmer leaving wide margins like that!

  3. More on the caterpillar: the WAB people reckon it's more likely a moth:

  4. A Timothy Tortrix, apparently (great name!).

  5. What a great name. I found a Mother Shipton the other day... I thought that was good. But I must admit yours tops that!
