Saturday 7 June 2008


I include the photo immediately above because it shows that typical rounded vole outline. The top one gives a good view of a water vole's hairy tail. I've been trying to get a decent shot of a water vole 'lawn', the grazed area often near a burrow, but my pictures aren't showing the different textures very well. There are, though, a lot of these lawns along the bank, and several flattened areas where a large-bottomed vole has sat feeding.


  1. You do get some marvellous shots of voles, don't you? I'm impressed.

  2. I spend a lot of time hanging about there! :-)

  3. They are v. good piccies. I was hoping for some young ones by now – but maybe later in the year.

  4. I never saw any very young ones last year, but I have spotted a small vole this summer - a sort of half grown one, I think.
