Saturday 16 February 2008

The voles are back in town!

Went to White Lion Meadow car park to litter pick and take some pics of voley-looking prints, and this chap appeared. In the top photo you can see the creamy white underbelly which helps to camouflage them from predators who might attack from beneath, eg pike (though not in the Staggs Brook). First vole of the year; it's made my week.


  1. Great news... I agree. Great to see your photographs. I can imagine how happy you were, I always feel the same when I see the first fox cubs or badgers. Maybe one day I will see one of our local otters! If I do, everyone will hear about it!. Jane

  2. Thanks, Kath.

    Jane, you're not the only one. I'd LOVE to see an otter. Maybe 2008 will be our year?

  3. Fantastic news and what a great pic!

