Sunday 27 January 2008


I note the New Hythe Birder (see links, "Excellent blog") has already seen a water vole this year, and my friend on the Wild About Britain forum's spotted one too. What with this and Bill Oddie handling a vole on tv this week, plus a wv mention in the BBC Wildlife magazine, I felt all fired up to go looking for myself.
Did a huge litter pick down at White Lion Meadow - no trolleys in the water, but over two carrier bags' worth of rubbish all over the banks - and looked for prints and latrines while I was there. No luck, or at least, nothing definitely water vole. But I did meet a girl who told me she'd seen one up at the Tesco end a couple of days ago, and it had a brown (non-ratty) tail, so fingers crossed.
After that I went for a walk at Brick Kiln Farm to see if there were any signs there. As usual there were plenty of field vole feeding stations and droppings, but nothing I could have said for certain was water vole. Then, just as I was about to leave, I found this skull which I'm fairly certain is. The yellow teeth, which water voles use for digging, show this particular animal was an adult.
Hope I see some live ones in a month or two. It's hard work blogging about invisible voles.


  1. Hi Kate ,yes been seeing Water Vole virtually every visit to my patch. There is one which is incredibly confiding. I managed another few pictures today. Apparently we nearly lost it the other day as a friend saw a Stoat/Weasel chase it.....

  2. Who was it described them as 'nature's fast food'? Glad it got away that time.

  3. I saw a good watervole print in the mud next to the brook at the bottom of the garden at the weekend. I did try to photograph it but my camera isn't quite up to it! The photo didn't show the print clearly enough. Nice to know that a vole is about though. We do think we have a rat feeding from the compost bin, but I don't think it was a rat's print. So no composting for the moment. Sadly I missed Bill Oddie...

  4. That's good news, Sue. We had a rat in our garden for a month, but I think next door's cat dispatched it (give that animal a medal!).
