Tuesday 30 October 2007

The Nature of Britain, BBC1, 9pm, Wednesday Oct 31st

Just a reminder to those who can access the West Midlands tv region that the Whitchurch water voles will be featured on BBC 1 tomorrow night. They'll be part of the local projects slot, towards the end of the programme. (If they show the volunteer group, I'll be the one wearing pink-flowered wellies.)
Sighting at 5pm this evening, near the trolley which is still there and now getting very clogged up.


  1. Thanks for that. Being of the weaker sex I'd forgotten!

    I see there's been regular sightings recently. What is the sort of time they head underground until the spring?

  2. Any day now, I should think. The last sighting in 2006 was November 5th, then after that I didn't see anything much till March. They don't exactly hibernate, but they do make themselves pretty scarce till it warms up again. (See 'A Water Vole's Year' link on the right.)
