Wednesday 10 October 2007


If you were watching tonight's episode of The Nature of Britain, you'll have seen footage towards the end of these very voles! It was a preview clip, and I think the main piece is schduled for Wednesday October 31st. Terrifically exciting for the Whitchurch Water Vole group (link on the right) who've been working hard for eighteen months now, monitoring and recording and protecting and creating new habitat.

And I had a sighting this evening as well!


  1. I missed that, but shall definitely tune in on the 31st. There was a really good piece about rearing otter cubs a few weeks ago but I don't know if it was the same prog.

  2. It might have been 'Nature's Calendar' - TNOB has only just started. Channel 5 are also running a programme about Chester Zoo between 6.30 and 7 every night. Hoping those voles might get featured, too!

  3. Saw them, larger than life, on the screen. Looking forward to the Oct 31st programme!
