Tuesday 18 September 2007

A Painter in Paradise

Popped up to the zoo again, this time to see Rosie Rees's smashing art exhibition, 'A Painter in Paradise'. Lovely studies of animals!
While I was there, I checked in at the reedbed by the elephant house, and took these photos.


  1. We went to the zoo on Saturday, but we didn't see any watervoles! We did see the art exhibition and the watervole there!!!

  2. Maybe it depends what time you go? I was there in the morning, and I stood by the roped sections near the observation hut.

  3. We saw them around 5 to 5-30pm, just about chucking out time, when it was getting a bit quieter. They let you get quite close so I think they're fairly used to two legged beasts blundering around!

  4. I think they live the high life there - all the protection afforded by interested humans, but none of the usual hassle!

  5. What a wonderful painting Kate.

    Just thought I'd pop in and see how things are going with the voles and the brook. You've been working hard I see.
