Sunday 17 June 2007

Whixall Hall Farm

Another wildlife-friendly farmer here. Whixall Hall Farm runs alongside the Prees Branch canal, and there's plenty of evidence of breeding water voles in the glyceria by the canal itself.


However, there have been reports of mink in this area so we need to keep a close watch on the situation. These non-native predators can wipe out a water vole colony in no time.
Sighting at Yockings Gate this evening: an adult felling reeds.


  1. Is that bit of the canal the branch off by Whixall Moss? I had a yomp around the moss a couple of weeks ago and saw a lizard; a hen pheasant playing statues and a snipe way in the distance. I didn’t see anything vole-like (but I’m a bit of a novice). Something was feeding on the grasses by one of the pools but I think it was a goose.

  2. Oh, well done!

    I think it's between Alkington and Hollinwood, near Platts Lane. Last year we parked at the bridge on Platts Lane and walked north along the canal path: the farm's over the other side. Not many signs on the pedestrian side, but plenty at the edge of the field. The farmer told us he'd seen three voles from the lower bridge last week.

    You do have to beware of the swans, though!
