Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Tesco Trolleys

A very positive meeting with Tesco's Ian Webster and Chris Dimaline this morning. Both of them are behind the idea of coin-release trolleys, which would not only protect the brook but I'd imagine would be a lot less hassle and expense for the store to boot. But they have to request them from 'their boss's boss'. I told them that if there was anything I could do to help their application, they were to let me know.

More worryingly they mentioned the idea of extra railings being erected to stop the trolleys being pushed in, but I don't see how that work can be carried out without it disturbing the voles, which is obviously against the law. The Environment Agency would have to be involved. So I did make this point, and Chris is going to get back to me about it.

If the trolleys were coin-release, no railings would be needed, of course...


  1. Glad to hear of Ian and Chris's positive response to your practical suggestion of using coin-release trolleys. I hope their 'bosse's boss' proves to be as helpful. I am looking forward to seeing the water voles again. Hopefully they will start to be more visible as Spring approaches.

  2. The number of paw-prints in the mud is encouraging, debbie. If you look at the link 'A Vole's Year', it's usual not to see them over the winter. So roll on April, I say! And report it here if you spot one before I do...
