I took a professional ecologist to see the colony at Mossfields today, because the site's teeming with water voles and it's stuffed full of textbook field signs that he was keen to see to gain survey experience.
It is an amazing place.
All along the course of the L-shaped ditch there are large water vole feeding stations - literally too many to count - and water vole droppings and latrines. They are everywhere you look and impossible to miss. I've only included a selection of the dozens of photos I took, but they show without a shadow of a doubt that there's strong water vole activity on this site.
This is important because Shropshire Council are allowing a big building development to happen here, and obviously there are tight legal restrictions on how you treat land where water voles are present. So we're all keeping an eye on the progress and detail of the planning application, to ensure no laws are broken.