Saturday, 28 April 2012
Brief Glimpse of Vole
Not a lot of opportunities to get out at the moment because of all the rain. Caught this vole with a Bushnell set up on the bank.
Monday, 23 April 2012
First 2012 Sighting at White Lion Meadow (Tesco)
A White Lion meadow vole. Focus is off because light levels were low, but I'm still thrilled with the sighting.
Two latrines off Edgeley Road
Excitingly, some otter spraint in the same Edgeley Road field!
It's always a joy to report the voles are back in the Staggs Brook as it runs past the main town car park. Somehow they seem like part of Whitchurch, the equivalent of the ravens in the Tower of London.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Sighting on a Survey Day
In the field off Edgeley Road.
The Staggs Brook as it passes through White Lion Meadow
Latrine underneath the bridge by the car park.
Another happy bit of news is the spotting of this latrine on a stone under the bridge at White Lion Meadow (the car park near Tesco). It's reassuring to know this colony's up and running again, despite the constant battle with rats.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Where to Look for Otter Evidence
In this case the otter's run along the wall to deposit spraint.
Close-up of spraint
The spraint in this picture's the dark blob at the bottom on the left hand side of the kerb.
This water vole came up from a burrow right by my feet.
I've never seen an otter in the wild, but I do know how to check where they hang out. Under bridges is a favourite spot, and these two bridges at Grindley Brook are good examples. The second one's right by the busy lock and canal shop, but I presume the otters must come at night when it's quiet and mark the walls and kerbs with their spraint.
Must share this excellent Youtube footage of some fighting female water voles my friend posted yesterday. It's the best example I've seen.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
The ditch where I mostly photograph water voles is quite narrow, so a downpour often wipes all traces of voles away, bar their burrows. Bits of feeding and footprints are swept off, and latrines submerged. I was quite worried when I went down this evening as there were no field signs after last night's rain. However I soon saw two voles and I'm sure when I go down to the field next time the latrines will have been restored.